While you search out yourself I'll busy myself learning by letting others see who I am by my actions towards them and through the way I choose to live my life. I may not always know who I am but God does and so long as I live through him my way will be made clear and my actions righteous and I will know that I am good and loved and what could be more fufilling than that?


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

"So be careful how you live. Don’t live like ignorant people, but like wise people.Make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days."

-Ephesians 5:15-16 

How often are we presented with opportunities to better our lives and the lives around us? "Pay it forward" has been a term, lately, used often here in the Houston area and I couldn't be happier to hear it! How often do we step out of the bubble we all live in that deals directly with how we ourselves are affected by situations and our own actions and view something from the point of view of someone else? It seems to be that the the skill of empathy is far too often missing on our resumes as we all live and thrive in self interest. Does God not command us to seek out ways to expand our thoughts and actions to include all of our brothers and sisters and how others may be affected by those actions?

I had a moment this morning lying in my bed thinking of all the ways and opportunities I've had to impact someones life and if I've always done so to the best of my ability... It's not an easy, being strait forward and honest, especially with ourselves it seems. All in all I don't feel like I've done such a hack job thus far in my life, but as always, there is definitely room for improvement! In any case I can look in the mirror knowing that I strive daily to make the right decisions to glorify my Father in Heaven. I know that I have such a long way to go and I pray with God walking the path with me I will continue to grow and learn and conform to His will alone.

A very close friend of mine was rocked by the death of a close friend just the other day so please send your prayers out to anyone and everyone suffering by the loss of a loved one. This man was young, in his prime, one second here and the next just gone. That terrifies me! Not because I am afraid to die, because I don't believe I am any more than anyone else who believes in the promise of eternal life, more so because of the thought of someone I care for not knowing how much I love them before they go or worse when I do. How many people are you feuding with right now? How many friendships are on the outs? How many people have you refused to forgive who could possibly never get the chance to receive that resolution? How confident are you that, should you or someone close to you pass, you would have no regrets? Are the silly arguments worth it? Is your pride really that important that you would be willing to live with those regrets? Serious food for thought isn't it?

I want to challenge all of you to really seize every moment... because do we really know how many moments we each have left?

Sorry to be so deep and thought provoking with my post today just had to write what was in my heart!

God Bless,



  1. Hey Amber thanks for reminding me about what a fine woman you are. I don't usually think about too much deep thought provoking topics that aren't a current controversial issue, so it is nice to be reminded about something that is so important, and yet so frequently overlooked in my daily life.


    1. Love you Monica blessed to have you think so highly of me and blessed to have you in my life! -Amber

